Get Involved

Diversity hands community together friendship

There are many ways to be a part of Hearth Place, from receiving support or taking part in programs as a member, to volunteering or hosting a fundraiser.

Become A Member – Membership at Hearth Place is completely free of charge and becoming a member is easy. Simply drop in or make an appointment and one of our Member Services staff will help you find the programs and support that will work best for you.

Help make a difference – Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre does not receive any public funding and therefore relies solely on the generosity of our community through volunteering, fundraising and donations. There are many ways to help support individuals and families living in the Durham Region who are affected by cancer. Would you would like to Volunteer, Make a Donation, Leave a Legacy, or Host a Fundraiser? There is always an opportunity to join our network and help others in your community!