Walker Spotlight
The Endless Summer Virtual Fun Walk would not be possible without our amazing walkers and fundraisers! Below you will find inspiring and uplifting stories as we highlight some of our walkers.
Do you want to be featured in our Walker Spotlight? Please contact Kirsten@hearthplace.org
Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre has been an integral part of my recovery. I have joined many programs through the centre, all which are at no cost to me or my fellow Cancer Warriors. This centre has been a true miracle for me. It has given me the strength I needed to be positive and keep going. Last year, my team and I helped raise over $4,000 for Hearth Place. This year, because I can’t do the big walk that we did as a group, I am going to try to do at least 5km of outdoor activity every weekend in February.
I like being a part of the community I live in. I grew up in a family with parents who always were involved and gave back to their community. We all know people whose lives have been touched by cancer. I work at RBC Dominion Securities in Oshawa and our office lost a coworker in 2019 to cancer. I have had other colleagues, clients and friends affected by cancer so I’m happy to do what I can to support Hearth Place and all the wonderful programs they offer.
Be sure to check back as we highlight more of our amazing walkers!
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