Walk, Kick Cancer to the Curb for Hearth Place

Date: November 21, 2020

Time: All Day -

Please join Joanne Terrade in walking for Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre on Saturday, November 21! Yes, it will be chilly but we can dress warm and enjoy the outdoors!

Why do I want to do this?

Hearth Place is a second home for so many brave warriors who are living with cancer. They often rely on their many supports to get them through the day and the extremely difficult times.

Based on 2015 estimates: Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians (45% of men and 43% of women) is expected to develop cancer during their lifetime. About 1 out of 4 Canadians (26% of men and 23% of women) is expected to die from cancer.

We need the support of Hearth Place during these times. It is an invaluable Cancer Support Centre.

Their programming encompasses individual counseling, emotional support groups, wellness programs, caregiver and grief support, as well as children’s programming, including support for children diagnosed with cancer. This place is truly amazing and the support that cancer patients receive is truly incredible.

Due to COVID-19, Hearth Place has had to cancel many of their fundraising events which they rely on heavily to operate. Let’s all help this organization that helps so many people get through the day!

A donation link has been created if you’d like to help support Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre.

Donate Today

Due to COVID-19, this event will be virtual. We ask that you have fun and safely enjoy a walk outdoors to honor those affected by cancer. Please share photos of your walk! We are all in this together even when we’re apart. A Facebook Event page has been created for updates about the walk and to share your photos: https://www.facebook.com/events/423924552339169/

Let’s have FUN!!!!!!!

Inclement weather day is November 22th.

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